Right-Size the Access
Across Every App

Right-Size Access
Across Apps

Elevated and rogue privileges pose a significant threat vector—we automate the aggregation of privileges across thousands of internal and external apps, ensuring comprehensive security oversight.

Redblock AI Automator for Privilege Access Management

Our AI Automator goes beyond monitoring a few apps—it reports on users, roles, and their privileges, and takes actions that typically require human intervention.

Aggregated view of users and roles

Get a complete view of users across apps–internal and SaaS. Use the app and user-level correlation to visualize threats.

Instant corrective actions

Rotate passwords, remove user accounts, and downgrade privileges without human input.

Faster access certifications

Collect evidence from apps without waiting for connectors to be built.

Aggregated view of users and roles

Get a complete view of users across apps–internal and SaaS. Use the app and user-level correlation to visualize threats.

Instant corrective actions

Rotate passwords, remove user accounts, and downgrade privileges without human input.

Faster access certifications

Collect evidence from apps without waiting for connectors to be built.

RedBlock AI Automator for Privilege Access Management

RedBlock’s AI Automator goes beyond just a few apps with APIs–and reports users, roles, and their privileges. It takes action that usually requires human intervention.

Aggregated view of users and roles

Get a complete view of users across apps–internal and SaaS. Use the app and user-level correlation to visualize threats.

Instant corrective actions

Rotate passwords, remove user accounts, and downgrade privileges without human input.

Faster access certifications

Collect evidence from apps without waiting for connectors to be built.

Reduce risk across internal, commercial, SaaS, and custom apps

Discover how we automate the discovery and removal of threats.

Looking for more information or want to book a demo?

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